Condor and Pachamama

condorsIncas thought that Condor was an immortal animal. They were not right, and unfortunately little remains today out of the love for nature that they meant. Incas are today a blurred memory used as a touristic attraction. And la Pachamama, Inca’s goddess of Mother Earth, is no more than (more…)

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Rethinking National Parks (and other protected areas)

Harvour seals Did you know that we humans have a direct effect (I am generous and avoid the word “damage”) on 83% of the Earth’s surface? In the ocean, it is even worse and reached 100% (41% strongly affected). Although biodiversity contributes to human well-being in many ways, quantified in trillions of dollars, our appropriation of the planet has a perverse impact. The number of endangered species is enormous and, the critical point is that still grows. (more…)

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